What is FERPA?

The Office of Financial Aid cannot share student account information with parents or guardians without written consent from the student (in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as FERPA).

Please visit this page to learn how to provide consent.


Due to scheduled maintenance, the Financial Aid Student Portal will be unavailable on Tuesday, March 25,  from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. We appreciate your patience

Financial Aid Student Portal Library

This page will provide resources to help you view your Rutgers financial aid awards, navigate the Financial Aid Student Portal and understand details about your financial aid.  Information will be updated as it becomes available, so check back often if you need assistance!

Important Information for Students

Viewing Your Financial Aid Awards

  • Students will receive an email notification from the Rutgers Office of Financial Aid when they can view their awards.
  • You must activate your NetID, before attempting to view your awards.
  • To view your Rutgers financial aid awards and/or required documents in the Financial Aid Student Portal, you must log in to the myRutgers dashboard using your NetID and password. Please do not attempt to access the portal via any other link or webpage.
  • When viewing your awards, please keep in mind that the costs and awards displayed are estimated based on the information you reported on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Award eligibility is subject to verification, including state verification via HESAA if applicable. Your eligibility for these awards may change if new information is received, including information with regard to your satisfactory academic progress. In addition, adjustments may be made to your awards as changes to your registration occur. Your package will be finalized when your schedule is finalized. You will receive an email notification anytime changes are made to your awards.
  • Do not bookmark the Financial Aid Student Portal. Using bookmarks will direct you to a page that is not compatible with NetID login. You must log in to the myRutgers dashboard to access your financial aid information.
  • Always close your web browser when you are done viewing your financial aid information, especially when using shared computers/kiosks. If you fail to close your browser, a subsequent user may inadvertently access your financial aid information.

Required Documents

  • Both incoming and continuing students will receive an email if additional documents are required to finalize your aid package.
  • You must grant authorization to the myGuest Dashboard in order for your parents/guardians to view your financial aid information. They will then be able to set up their CommunityID, which they will use to log in.
    • Please choose the Custodial permission level if your parent/guardian needs to submit requested documentation in the portal. 
  • Once you submit a document, it will remain in a “received” state until a Financial Aid administrator reviews it. After they’ve reviewed it, they will give it an “acceptable” or “unacceptable” status. If a document is in an “unacceptable” or “rejected” state, you will be able to resubmit the document and view comments on it from the Financial Aid administrator who reviewed it. Please see the Resubmitting Rejected or Unacceptable Documents video or the Viewing and Submitting Required Documents quick guide below for more details.


  • Are you a scholarship recipient? Write a thank you note to the donors who made it possible. Writing a letter to the donor is a great way to show appreciation for the awards you received. You can use our guide to help you create a letter to the donor that provided your scholarship.
  • If you receive a merit-based scholarship, it is your obligation to review, understand, and meet the renewal and eligibility criteria standards associated with your merit-based scholarship award(s).
  • Merit-based scholarship offers for Newark and New Brunswick undergraduate students are not guaranteed if you commit to attend Rutgers University after May 1.

Federal Loans

  • If you were offered federal loans, at such a time that you are eligible to complete the loan acceptance process, you will receive an email notification that includes instructions for accepting or declining your federal loans. If you have already received that email, please follow the instructions to complete the loan acceptance process. Please do not attempt to complete the process until you receive the email notification. In addition, your loans must be in an awarded status to complete the acceptance process. Please note: the loan acceptance process is replacing the Data Change Form (DCF) used to reduce or decline loans in previous years.
  • Students who receive federal loans are required to complete entrance counseling in the Financial Aid Student Portal. It is highly recommended that you complete entrance counseling prior to accepting any loans, to understand how to borrow responsibly.

Federal Work Study Program

  • Students who receive a Federal Work Study Program (FWSP) award, please note the following:
    • If you are a continuing student and indicated you would like a new job for the upcoming academic year, you will receive an email with a link to the FWSP Job Application.
    • If you are a continuing student planning to return to the same job for the upcoming academic year, you will receive an email when/if your job has been renewed and your assignment is available to view in the FWSP Online Portal.
    • If you are a new student, you will receive an email with a link to the FWSP Job Application.
  • You must have received a FWSP award as part of your financial aid package to be eligible to work through the program. Students who are not eligible can search for part-time jobs through Rutgers Handshake.
  • Please see the FWSP webpage for more information, including eligibiliy requirements and details about the job application process.

Professional Judgement Requests

  • Some students and families experience issues that may impact their ability to contribute to educational expenses. In these situations, submitting a Professional Judgement (PJ) Request Form will allow us to address those issues and decide if a change in eligibility is warranted.
  • Please visit the Professional Judgement webpage for more details and to access the request form. Additional information on the PJ Request Process is available in the quick guide section below.
  • If you submit a PJ Request Form, additional documentation will be required to review your request. You can visit the MyRutgers portal and check the financial aid widget for additional required documentation. After submitting the form, please allow 24 hours for the portal to update.

Summer Tag

  • Students taking summer courses in 2024 may be eligible for summer TAG. If eligible, you will see a projected summer TAG award listed in the Financial Aid Student Portal. Please note the following:
  • Summer TAG will remain in a projected status until the end of the summer term. The funds will not credit to your term bill until the amount has been finalized based on your summer credits earned.
  • Summer TAG cannot exceed actual tuition charges and will be reduced if it does after final summer credits earned have been determined.
  • Summer TAG may not display on your term bill. Please look for your projected summer TAG amount in the Financial Aid Student Portal and subtract that amount from the total due when paying your summer term bill.


Information for Authorized Users (Parents/Guardians/Third Parties)

The myGuest Dashboard provides authorized users such as parents, guardians, and third parties with the ability to view student information online. Students must grant authorization to guests and choose which information they will be able to view. Please note: A guest will only be able to view financial aid information if the student granted them access to do so. In addition, students must choose the Custodial permission level when granting access if authorized users need to submit requested documentation.

Once the student completes the authorization process, the guest will be able to register by creating a CommunityID.

Information on creating a CommunityID and logging in

How-to Guide for Authorized Users

Information on accessing student Financial Aid information

Logging In Guide for Authorized Users

Viewing Financial Aid Awards Guide for Authorized Users

Viewing and Submitting Required Documents for Authorized Users

Need further assistance? Contact  your regional One Stop Student Services Center. Rutgers Health students, please contact your campus Office of Financial Aid.