Job Location and Development Program (JLDP)

Job Posting Instructions

Post a Job

Employers participating in the Job Location and Development Program will now post their part-time jobs via the Rutgers Handshake platform.

Once you have a Rutgers Handshake account for one campus, if you would like to post your job opportunities to the other campuses, all you need to do is log in and request access to the Rutgers campus of your choice (Rutgers-New Brunswick, Rutgers-Camden, Rutgers-Newark). Once access is granted, posting a job to one or more campuses will be as easy as selecting from a singular drop-down menu.

By using your Rutgers Handshake account, you agree to abide by the Rutgers Recruiter Policies and Guidelines.

Don’t have a Handshake account? Create your handshake account here.

JLDP Policies

Because the JLDP is federally-funded, the SEO is required to report certain employment statistics about students who are hired through the JLDP. The SEO does not report any specific information about the positions or the employers. However, SEO staff will contact all employers to determine if they have hired any Rutgers University students. The information required by the SEO is student’s name, start date, hourly wage, and number of hours expected to work each week.

The SEO reserves the right to reject job postings that do not compliment and reinforce student educational programs or co-curricular goals, or that are not in compliance with federal or University Policy.

The following types of jobs are prohibited:

  • Volunteer positions
  • Employment opportunities that require an initial investment by students
  • Employment opportunities that are commission-based with no hourly rate of pay
  • Positions placed through a staffing/hiring agency
  • Employment opportunities that occur at a private residence
  • Employment opportunities that consist of payment for participation as a research subject.

Employers must have formal payroll systems in place. All students must be paid by check or direct deposit through traditional payroll systems.

Employers must issue appropriate documentation of students’ annual wages to each student every calendar year, such as W-2 forms.

Students cannot work more than 20 hours per week during the academic year, which runs from September through May, and cannot work more than 40 hours per week during semester breaks.

Employers who do not follow the JLDP policies may be prohibited from posting jobs in the future.